This headline caught my eye. I find it's an ongoing struggle as an author, freelancer and photography business owner to find that happy balance between being opportunistic about the experiences life brings to me and simply shutting all that out and enjoying the moment without capturing it in some way. My life has been enriched by the boundaries I have set, and continue to set in this area. Thanks for writing about it, Anya!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Anya Kaats

Our thoughts align sequentially perfect; I have never came across anyone who has the same perspectives, views, goals and beliefs etc until now! I could see us delving into logical deep conversations about all these topics you wrote about. For me, at-least, there’s not many people I can have those type of intellectual aligned conversations with for the world lacks our type of people. My goal has always been to change the world, somehow some way, there has to be a way wether it is from me publishing a book or with little random acts of kindness through day to day life. Our world is beyond cruel and societies foundations of “the perfect life” have drastically shifted; I fear for the worst. With a lot of it relating back to this new digital age, where we are limiting organic interactions with other people and dismissing the natural order of having meaningful relationships. That trickles into the new technological era concerning Ai technology and all of those interconnected tree branches. In my opinion everything above is interconnected all in all, but also a huge rabbit hole for me.

I conclude with, can we/I truly change the world for the better? preparing the generations to come is essential for the human race to continue ascending forward; maybe we need to shift the alternate view of what forward means. Life has been defined as materialistic but why? We defined that having the newest next best thing is what life is about but to me it’s far from that. Surviving day to day with food, a house, building a family and living out my life is my goal, the same goal let’s say the Indians had. Success is now measured in precious jewels and always has been. But why? What does that give me at the end of my life? Nothing. For when I am not on earth anymore, the only thing that I will take with me is my memories, my soul and the souls that have connected with me through my lifetime.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Anya Kaats

Happy for you Anya!!! I’m grateful of the thoughts and conversations you’ve shared through the years, and it will be missed, but it really sounds like you’re experiencing the respite and enlightenment you deserve.

I am also living the small town homestead kind of life...creating and nurturing and growing, often only for me and my non-human earthlings to experience. I’m happier than ever living this way (mixed with a little travel), but I certainly still grapple with the desire to share what I have to offer and reach greater circles outside my local community. This excerpt recently resonated with me, and maybe it will for you too:

“The gift you carry for others is not an attempt to save the world but to fully belong to it. It’s not possible to save the world by trying to save it. You need to find what is genuinely yours to offer the world before you can make it a better place. Discovering your unique gift to bring to your community is your greatest opportunity and challenge. The offering of that gift—your true self—is the most you can do to love and serve the world. And it is all the world needs.” - Bill Plotkin in Soulcraft

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Anya Kaats

Hey Anya ! Happy nesting !

Filling the void after all the social media amster wheel years must be an amazing feeling.

You're manifesting (yes, I know... But I feel that this very tricky word IS sometimes appropriate) left and right, in a super tangible way.

And I guess that you still have so much stuff to do. All the seeds buried deep down in you are finally sprouting and germinating.

You gotta take care of those babies, they need light, water and a lot of attention.

You can always share more stuff later, it's not a priority. Just the fact that you're living IT, fully and organically is a wonderfull lesson of hope and inspiration for us.

Take care and take root !

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Growing up in a small town, I always wanted to move to a big city to feel like I was making a difference in the world. Now that I'm in a big city, it feels so big and complex that who knows if I'm making any difference or not? I'm glad you're enjoying Crestone and I hope to spend more time doing and less time online as well.

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