A Millennial's Guide to Saving the World
A Millennial's Guide to Saving the World
#26 Welcome to the Whorientation with Erin Ginder-Shaw

#26 Welcome to the Whorientation with Erin Ginder-Shaw

By trade, Erin is a writer. But her true identity is one she shares with me... we're both whores. Erin is one of my closest friends. We share men, women, ideas and each other. Erin and I go deep (!) into what it means to be a whore and how promiscuity often has very little to do with it. We talk about how we've experienced sexuality as a lens through which to view the world since we were little girls, how true female intimacy often has a physical component to it, how non-monogamy doesn't have to mean polyamory and, we introduce "Whore Rapport" - a podcast we are going to host together, launching this fall.

Find Erin at: eringindershaw.com

Erin's Book Recommendation: A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

Song featured: "The Seed (2.0)" by The Roots / Cody Chesnutt

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A Millennial's Guide to Saving the World
A Millennial's Guide to Saving the World
I started this podcast because I was tired of being stereotyped as lazy, triggered and entitled. I wanted to give voice to a different kind of millennial and invite us to write a new story - one of a generation willing to challenge the status quo, embrace nuance and paradox, and reject PC-culture. This podcast isn’t about finding answers, it’s about asking the right questions. How can we reinvent ourselves and the narratives we’ve been expected to inherit? How can we take ownership over the ways we participate in our own suffering? How can we move beyond victimization and into empowerment? How can we fix ourselves to fix the world? It’s time for new dreams, new stories and new futures…