A Millennial's Guide to Saving the World
A Millennial's Guide to Saving the World
#117 In the Shadow of the Healer: A Solo Episode

#117 In the Shadow of the Healer: A Solo Episode


This episode has been a long time coming. If you’re a regular listener of MGSW, you know that I’m incredibly interested in exploring power dynamics, shadow, and spirituality, especially when all three become interwoven. I share my reflections about the podcast Cover Story, which uncovers abuses of power within the growing industry of psychedelic therapy. I also discuss Power in the Helping Professions by Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig, and reflect on how power is wielded within various forms of “therapy”. How might “healers” project the wounded pole of the wounded healer archetype onto their patients, thereby avoiding their own? What are the dangers of silencing genuine questions and concerns during campaigns to gain cultural acceptance of something that’s been historically demonized? Why are we more willing to discuss abuses of power when the abuses involve sex and drugs? How have nuanced conversations and opinions been replaced by false binaries and “you’re with me or against me” reactive assumptions? I discuss all of these questions and more.

Song featured: “Waterfalls” by Ten Fé

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A Millennial's Guide to Saving the World
A Millennial's Guide to Saving the World
I started this podcast because I was tired of being stereotyped as lazy, triggered and entitled. I wanted to give voice to a different kind of millennial and invite us to write a new story - one of a generation willing to challenge the status quo, embrace nuance and paradox, and reject PC-culture. This podcast isn’t about finding answers, it’s about asking the right questions. How can we reinvent ourselves and the narratives we’ve been expected to inherit? How can we take ownership over the ways we participate in our own suffering? How can we move beyond victimization and into empowerment? How can we fix ourselves to fix the world? It’s time for new dreams, new stories and new futures…